Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Well, Someone Was Gonna Say It

Apparently this has been floating around the internet for at least a couple of years, but it's the first time I discovered it. Something on the sign of a church that may or may not even exist. A little research dug up an interesting place called "Church Sign Generator" on a site called says-it.com. You, or I, or anyone could go there, make a sign, make your statement and let your freak flag fly. And it would look like a sign you might see on a roadside encouraging people to come worship next Sunday morning.

This particular sign though gave me pause. You have to wonder who would take the time to create a message like this and why those people would think anyone would be welcome in their sanctuary. It's the kind of thing Westboro Baptist Church might come up with, but the truth is, there are plenty of churches who believe this or worse.

So someone really has an axe to grind whether the Orange Church of God exists or not. Look at the list. Skateboarders? Surfers?

Vegetarians, Occupiers, and Activists all going to hell?

Okay, the addicts and fornicators have been targets for some while now, but whoever wrote this has just widened the tent and created whole new categories of transgression for non-meat eaters, people who work for justice, and...creative people. Musicians and artists.

There's some history to this which we'll look into in future posts. But for now I'll leave you to scratch your head in wonder at the new categories of people "left behind" and who has the time to come up with such utter foolishness.

More Later


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